Big Wave Fashion

Ethno Fashion in Prague

Big Wave Fashion | Havelské tržiště - Havelská, Staré Město, Prague 1
  ČESKY  |  tel: (+420) 608 239 003  |  e-mail:

Bižutérie Galantérie Tašky
Costume Jewelry Haberdashery Bags
New in Store

Company BIG WAVE is present on the market for seven years now, specializing in ETHNO FASHION.

We are focused on natural materials exclusively. Interesting and original design is another aspect of our collection.

Our offer is primarily based on products acquired regularly in India and Nepal.
Our goal is to present this fascinating culture and intriguing atmosphere to Europe through our collection.

Please visit our Havelská Market stand, Staré Město, Prague 1.

If you own a store, and are interested in ethno fashion retail, feel free to contact us.
We'd be happy to do business with you.

Now relax and view our collection...

© 2006 Big Wave Fashion. All rights reserved  |  site by Cate the Minimum